
Who we are...
Eric McAdams
Lead Pastor

Eric, wife Erin, and sons Julien and Isaac came to CBF in 2016. Eric grew up in Coatesville and served several churches in Ohio and Pennsylvania before coming home to lead CBF. When Eric talks about church he shares:

I love the Lord, and I love seeing people come to know Him in a more personal way. I'm not interested in passing judgement - I'm interested in people who are willing to hear what God has to say to them. Faith is not a magic potion that suddenly makes everything ok. It is a constant source of hope, love, and peace in a world that lacks all three. I believe that there is no greater pursuit than the one that leads us to the fulfillment of all that we were created to long for - the pursuit of God. You in?

Eric loves golf, anything with wheels and an engine, and anything that Apple releases that has an “i” in front of it.

Ron Wade
Office Administrator

Ron and his wife Carol came to CBF in 2012. They live near Wagontown with their Springer Spaniel, a bunch of chickens and a few rabbits. They have three children, ten grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. They like gardening and motorcycling and are involved with the Christian Motorcyclists Association, On Eagles Wings chapter. They like camping and bird watching. Ron also likes feeding fish (most people call it fishing), shooting and NASCAR. He hasn’t had a lot of time for fishing since retiring in 2004.

Ron has a background in a variety of businesses prior to becoming the administrator here in 2015. Ron also serves as the head of our safety and security team.

What We Believe...
Holy Scriptures

1. We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed, the final authority for faith and life. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Matt. 5:18; John 16:12-13). 

The Godhead

1. We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory and having the same attributes and perfections. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14).

The Person and Work of Jesus Christ:

1. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceive by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God, and redeem sinful men, forever continues true God and true man. (John 1:1, 2, 14; Matt. 1:21; Luke 1:35).

2. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as a representative, substitutionary sacrifice; and that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead. (Rom. 3:24, 25; 4:24, 25; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 2:24; Eph. 1:7; 1 Cor. 15:3-4).

3. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God; where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate. (Acts 1:9,10; Heb.1:3, 9:24, 7:25, Rom.8:34, I John 1-2).

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit:

1. We believe the Holy Spirit is that Person of the Godhead who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and that He is the supernatural agent of regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. (John 16:8-11; 3:6-8; 2 Cor. 12:12-14; Rom. 8:9; Eph. 1:13-14; 1 Cor. 6:19).

2. We believe He is the divine teacher who guides believers into all truth; and that it is the privilege and duty of all the saved to be filled with the Spirit. (John 16:13; 1 John 2:20-27; Eph. 5:18).

3. We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowment of all His gifts, for the edification of the Body of Christ. The gift of evangelism, pastors, teachers, are given for the perfecting of the saints today. Gifts, such as faith, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, and mercy are also functional in the Church. Each individual believer should look to the Lord to bestow and develop his gifts. The Holy Spirit, working in and through a fully submitted life, will produce both fruit and gifts that work together, under his authority, to glorify God. (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; 27-31; 1 Cor. 13:8-10; 2 Cor. 12:12; Eph.4:7-12; Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:3-4).

4. Concerning the sick and afflicted, we believe that God does hear and answer prayer of faith in accord with His own will. (James 5:14,15; John 15:7; 1 John 5:14, 15).


1. We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but that in Adam’s sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God; and that man is totally depraved and, of himself, utterly unable to remedy his lost condition. (Genesis 1:26, 27; Romans 3:22, 23; 5:12; Eph. 2:1-3, 12).

2.  We believe that the only legitimate marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.  We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity take place outside of the marriage between a man and a woman.  We believe any and all other forms of sexuality are perversions of God's gift of sex.  We believe that God disapproves of, and forbids, any attempt to alter one's gender by surgery or appearance.  (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Gen. 26:8-9; Lev. 18:-30; Rom. 1:26-29, 7:2; I Cor. 5:1, 6:9, 18-20, 7:10; Eph. 5:22-23; I Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4)


1. We believe that salvation is the work and gift of God, brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood on Calvary and rose again bodily that our sins might be forgiven, and that we might have eternal life. (Eph. 1:7; 2:1-10; 2 Tim. 2:8; John 1:12; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; John 3:16).

2. We believe that all the redeemed, once saved, are kept by God’s power and are thus secure in Christ forever. (John 6:37-47; 10:27-30; Romans 8:1, 38, 39; 1 Cor. 1:4-8; 1 Peter 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:12).

The Church

1. We believe that the church, which is the body and the espoused bride of Christ, is a spiritual organism made up of all born again persons of this present age. (Eph. 1:19-23; 5:25-27; 1 Cor. 12:12-14; 2 Cor. 11:2).

2. We believe in the autonomy of the local church free from any ecclesiastical authority or control. (Acts. 13:1-4; 15:19-31; 20:28; Romans 16:1, 4; 1 Cor. 3:9, 16; 5:4-7, 13; 1 Peter 5:1-4).

3. We recognize the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper as a scriptural means of testimony for the church in this age. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 2:41, 42; 1 Cor. 11:23-26).

4. The mission of the universal Church is manifold, including the following:

  • To glorify God (Romans 15:6, 9; Eph. 1:5, 6, 12, 14, 18; 3:31; 2 Thess. 1:12).
  • To edify itself (Eph. 4:11-16; Col. 2:7; 1Cor. 14:26).
  • To purify itself (Eph. 5:26, 27; 1 Cor. 2:7; 1 Cor. 7:1; 1 John 3:2).
  • To educate its members and friends (Eph. 4:11, 12; Matt. 28:19). 5. To evangelize the world (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8).
The Personality of Satan and Demons:

1. We believe that Satan is a created being - given authority and perfection, but chose to oppose God rather than submit to Him. He is the author of sin and the cause of the fall; and he is the open and declared enemy of God and man.  He shall be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire. (Job 1:6, 7; Isaiah 14:12-17; Matt. 4:2-11; 25:41; Rev. 20:10; Ezekiel 28:12- 19).

2. We recognize the reality and personality of demons. They are spirits, emissaries of Satan, who may obsess and possess both men and beasts. (Matt. 7:22; 12:43, 45; Mark 5:2-5, 11-13; 5:15-16, 18; Acts 8:7; 16:16).

The End Times:

1. We believe in the imminent, personal return of Jesus Christ (John 14:3; Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 4:13-18).

The Eternal State:

1. We believe in the bodily resurrections of all men, the saved to eternal life and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment. (Matt. 25:46; John 5:28-29; 11:25, 26; Rev. 20:5, 6, 12, 13).

2. We believe that the souls of the redeemed are, at death, absent from the body and present with the Lord, where in conscious bliss, they await the first resurrection, when the spirit, soul, and body are reunited to be glorified forever with the Lord. (Luke 23:43; Rev. 20:4-6; 2 Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:23; 3:20, 21; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17).

3. We believe that the souls of unbelievers remain, after death, in conscious misery until the resurrection, when with soul and body reunited, they shall appear at the Great White Throne of Judgment, and shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, not to be annihilated, but to suffer everlasting conscious punishment. (Luke 16:19-16; Matt. 25:41-46; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Jude 6:7; Mark 9:43-48; Rev. 20:11-15).

Our Core Values
Christ’s Headship

We acknowledge Christ as the head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and good pleasure (Eph. 1:22-23).

Biblical Teaching

We strive to teach God’s Word with integrity and authority so that seekers find Christ and believers mature in Him (2 Tim. 3:16).

Authentic Worship

We desire to acknowledge God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate, contemporary worship of our church (Rom. 12:1-2).


We rely on private and corporate prayer in the conception, planning, and execution of all the ministries and activities of this church (Matt.7:7-11).

Sense of Community

We ask all our people to commit to and fully participate in biblically functioning small groups where they may reach the lost, exercise their gifts, be shepherded, and thus grow in Christlikeness (Acts 2:44-46).


We support the spiritual nurture of the family as one of God’s dynamic means to perpetuate the Christian faith (2 Tim. 1:5).


We encourage our people to serve Christ from hearts of love and gratitude rather than guilt and condemnation (Rom.6:14).

Creativity and Innovation

We will constantly evaluate our forms and methods, seeking cultural relevance and maximum ministry effectiveness for Christ (I Chron. 12:32).

Mobilized Congregation

We seek to equip all our uniquely designed and gifted people to effectively accomplish the work of our ministry (Eph. 4:11-13).

Lost People

We value unchurched, lost people and will use every available Christhonoring means to purse, win, and disciple them (Luke 19:10).

Ministry Excellence

Since God gave His best (the Savior), we seek to honor Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all our ministries and activities (Col. 3:23-24).

When you first think about checking out a new church you probably want to have some idea what to expect. Here are some of the basics, and we look forward to seeing you Sunday!
What time does the service begin and how long is it?

We currently have two Sunday morning services  9am and 10:3oam. Both services are the same, so you are free to attend whichever works best for your schedule.  For now, and in order to be as safe as possible, there are no children's ministries.  We invite families to sit and worship together in our service.  Please wear a mask while you come into our sanctuary and when you fellowship with others.  Hand sanitizer is availabe at all entrances and throughout the building.  The 10:30 service is live streamed to the CBF YouTube page and CBF Facebook page.

What is worship like?

You will find the atmosphere to be friendly and inviting and the preaching engaging and relevant. The worship music is led by a live band and the music is selected from the currnet contemporary worship scene. There is a more blended service on the first Sunday of the month when we celebrate communion. It is not uncommon to see people clapping and actively participating in the service. Our worship service for kids ages 4 years to 5th grade, called Powerhouse, runs at the same time. This is not babysitting or a traditional Sunday School. This unique worship experience is just for them! It has music, teaching, skits, videos and more. All in their language and at their level. It is awesome and they'll love it! 

Where are you located? Where do I park?

We are located on E. Lincoln Hwy (Main St.) in downtown Coatesville at the corner of Main and 4th. You an park on the street, directly behind the church off of Chestnut St., or across from the church in the Mason's Lodge parking lot to the right of the firehouse. You will find a parking map Here. The main entrance to the church is off of 4th Avenue (through the portico).

How does everyone dress at your church?

You'll find suits and ties, jeans and t-shirts, shorts and all sorts in-between. Come as you are and feel comfortable!

Is there a fellowship time, to just get to know people?

***During the ongoing pandemic, our coffee, refreshments and snacks are not being served.***

Yes! Between our education hour and worship, at 10:15am we serve coffee, snacks and other beverages. This is a great opportunity to mingle, talk, and just take some time to realx and make new friends. We also invite you to visit our Welcome Center right outside the Worship Center main doors. There you will find information about ministries and upcoming events as well as friendly people to answer any questions you may have.

Is there a traditional "Sunday School" program?

***During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all sunday school and education ministries are suspended.***

Yes, though we wouldn't call it "traditional"! From 9:15am-10:15am we gather for education opportunities for children, teens, and adults. Our adult offerings are called ABF's (Adult Bible Fellowships). They are engaging teachings and descussions that are never boring! Teens and children also have there own age specific classes each week and there is nursery care offered throught the morning.

Do you have small groups that meet so I can meet people in a smaller setting?

We have an active small group ministry. There are home-based groups that generally meet weekly or every other week during the school year. These are laid back groups that rotate topics and have a strong fellowship component to them. It's not unusual to find that small groups will get together outside of the normal meeting times just to hang together and have a fun night out. We also have topical groups just for men and women that meet in the evenings at the church.

What kind of church are you?

CBF is led by leaders from within our own church, not by an outside denominational office or headquarters. We are one of over 5,500 similar evangelical churches nationwide called "Independent Christian Churches", claiming over 14 million members in the United States alone. CBF is a non-denominational church and is independently chartered and incorporated at the local, state, and federal levels. While CBF is an independent church, it does have affiliations with various denominations and we work with a variety of local community and national mission and ministry agencies.

Are you a new church?

CBF has a long and rich history in the city of Coatesville. Originally the Presbyterian Church of Coatesville founded in 1833, it later became an independent and non-denominational church. The move was made in 1996 to meet the needs of a burgeoning and changing population throught the greater Coatesville area and the name Coatesville Bible Fellowship was born.

What do you believe about baptism? How do I get baptized?

We believe in a "believer's baptism" for adults, teenagers and older children. When you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and are ready to let the world know, then it's time to get baptized! We do water immersion baptism both in our worship center as well as outdoors by request. We do not baptize infants as we believe it is by choice that we walk into the water as a public declaration of our faith. We do prayer dedications in our worship services to celebrate the birth of a child and the parent's desire to raise the child in a Godly home until the child makes a decision for Christ.