Children's Ministry

We know that God loves children, so children are incredibly special to us!  Our trained and screened teachers and leaders run awesome programs to help each child come to know Jesus in an exciting way!  We don't stop at Sunday morning either!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:14

Because we care about the safety and security of your child, CBF uses a secure check-in system in our Children's Wing.  All teachers and child care workers also have extensive local, state, and national background checks.


Nursery Care

Even the youngest children can begin to learn about Jesus and His love for them. So if you have children under two years old, drop by to visit our clean, safe and comfortable nursery. The nursery is staffed by trained and screened volunteers and is open from 15 minutes before the Education Hour until approximately 10 minutes after the Worship Service.